The Polished MD

Professional Interviewing Coaching

first Impressions

How We
Can Help

You only have one chance to make a first impression. You have 3 seconds to set your first visual impression, 20 seconds to set your first overall impression, and 2 minutes before they decide they like you or not.  Are you prepared to show the best you in 2 minutes or less?  

What we do:

Interview Prep

Prepare for your interviews with questions asked by most interviews with example answers and directions on how to master them, leaving the best first impression.  

Interview and review

After scheduling your session, we will spend an hour split between a rehearsal interview and feedback session. We will highlight your strengths and provide tips to eliminate weaknesses, leaving your interviewers impressed and offering you the position. 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

our professional services Include:

Make the best first impression on your next interview.  We will review some of the most common interview questions in your specialty and what the interviewer really wants to hear.  Impress them with an outstanding interview.

Our interview coaching in a nutshell

What else can we help you with?

Curriculum Vitae

CV services tailored for your next job, highlighting all of your skills and accomplishments.

Personal Statement

The first introduction to your next employer. Get the editing you need to make you stand above the rest.

Application Support

Get feedback and support on your entire application, making you a polished MD.

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