The Polished MD

Study Skills test Post 1

You are going to forget 90% of what you hear on rounds or in lecture in 30 seconds.  TAKE NOTES

When taking notes, they are meant to be read many times.  Therefore, write short brief notes.  Review all your notes at least once a day, but preferably 3 times a day or more. At first it will be slow to read, but after a week you will fly through them spending about a second per page.  This technique improves your recall, and cements it in your brain. 

Writing notes is like writing on your brain.  Even if you never read them, it is better write notes during a lecture or while reading, it may improve future recall.– But I suggest re-reading-

Picture of Mike Keenaghan MD

Mike Keenaghan MD

Physician Career Specialist and Founder

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