You have likely heard that the personal statement may not help you but can definitely hurt you. When surveyed by the AAMC, program directors rate the Personal Statement as one of the top 5 influencers used in the process in choosing their candidates to interview and rank, along with step scores, letters of recommendation and MSPE. Prepareing and writing your personal shape how you will present yourself in interviews and what you will get asked about. With more and more applicants every year you need to have an even more robust and well written personal statement to get your interviews.
We will help you take your initial drafts, infuse the passion you have for medicine, focus you achievements on your future goals, remove all red flags, and help you create a statement that shows who you are as a doctor.
With sending your draft PS and CV we will help revise your first personal statement draft with edits comments and explanations, promopting you for your next re-write. We go thorugh this 2 more times, to get you to your final product.
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