The Polished MD

CV Review for the medical student with Ongoing Support


  • 3 Full reviews
  • 6 months ongoing email support
  • Reviews Format
  • Edit wording to highlight success
  • Reviews grammar and spelling
  • Recommendations and explanations
  • One email correspondence following review
  • 5-7 business day turn around


This package includes three full edits/reviews for when you need to overhaul your CV or create different ones to highlight your career differently.  Perhaps you are applying for a clinical job, or a research position, or a grant.  These may all need a slightly different spin on the wording and activities.

Your CV is a living document that will continue to evolve throughout your whole career.  From converting it from a resume to updating it year to year. You need to have a great CV when asking for letters of recommendation, applying for your next job, applying for grants, promotions, and more. Starting with a great foundation is essential.  Using keywords to catch the reader’s eye and direct it to what you want them to read.  We will help you realize how to sell yourself as a great physician from your past jobs and successes, using carefully worded decryptions and essential formatting to create the strongest foundation for your polished CV.  You will receive an information form to fill out and return to our reviewers along with your current CV or Resume.

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