The Polished MD

Attending Job interview session – additional hour


Must have used a previous interview product

– 1 hour video  session

– 25 minute interview with questions you are likely to get asked

– 35 minute discussion reviewing your answers,

– Covers fine tuning of your mannerisms and  non verbal cues

– Reviews what the interviewers are assessing when asking certain questions, and how you should answer.

– Written summary to follow the session for your review in ongoing preparation.


You can’t go into an interview hoping you will nail it.  You need to practice, practice and practice some more.  But do you know if your answers are good?Are you practicing the right things?  Do you sound fake when you are trying to sell yourself?  During this 1 hour session we will review some of the most common interview questions for your specialty the interviewer really is asking, and how you can impress them with an outstanding interview.

This session can be tailored to focus on specific aspects that you would like to work on, or just focus on all aspects of the interview.

Only available for previous interview session customers.

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