The Polished MD

Attending job CV review *RUSH*


  • Reviews Format
  • Edit wording to highlight success in specific fields
  • Reviews grammar and spelling
  • Recommendations and explanations for changes
  • 3 email correspondence following review
  • 24 Hour turn around​


IF you are applying for a New Job,  Grant or need to refresh your CV to ensure your body of work will be appreciated, a newly polished CV is crucial to get across who you are as a physician.  It should highlight all your significant accomplishments and even the minor ones that get you to your goal. Don’t hope you have a great CV; know that an expert has reviewed it to impress anyone you send it to. Starting with a great foundation is essential.  Using keywords to catch the reader’s eye and direct it to what you want them to read.  We will help you realize how to sell yourself as a great physician from your past jobs and successes, using carefully worded decryptions and critical formatting to create the strongest foundation for your polished CV—returned in 24 hours.


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