The Polished MD

LOR Examples test post #1

Writing horrible LORs is kinda the go to for most LOR wirters and they don;t even know it. There is alot taken from an LOR from every word. ”Good” is bad, “great” is okay, “excellent” is great, but “outstanting” is the best…. or if you really want to go all in: “ this person can care for me and my family members”. cant get any better than that. But have you ever seen that written? and doesnt that convey exactly what you want to know?

Using pharses that explain a concept we all care about is what needs to be included in LORS

THe top five concepts you need to get across

  • are they a good doctor
  • can I work with them
  • are they a liability
  • can I afford them
  • what distinguishes them from everyone else
Picture of Mike Keenaghan MD

Mike Keenaghan MD

Physician Career Specialist and Founder

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