– Mindfulness is giving whatever is in front of you right now your full attention.
– Job Kabat -Zinnanti student of Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh brought vipassanā, mindfulness mediation, to UMass, sparking the medical feilds acceptance of Mindfulness Based Stress Belief.
– He taught patients with chronic pain how to use mindfulness, which improved their pain scores; doctors eventually participated, they noted real changes in thier own lives.
NOTICE – you are not present, that your thoughts and feelings are distracted
RELEASE – those thoughts and feelings without judging yourself for having them
RETURN – you undivided attention to the present, and task at hand.
Headspace (my favorite) headspace.com
5 minutes to peace https://www.stopbreathethink.com
Mood Kit http://www.thriveport.com
Smiling Mind https://smilingmind.com.au/smiling-mind-app/
Anxiety BC https://www.anxietybc.com